
Ages: 1.5 years - 5 years

GPA splits the Pre-School program into to an upper level and lower level. Decisions on student matriculation within the Pre-School program will be a collaborative effort with teachers and parents.

  • Lower levels students will matriculate to the upper level based on the child’s readiness
  • Upper level students will be assessed on their readiness for success in the Kindergarten class

Age will not be the sole determining factor for matriculation. GPA will contact parents for a consult based on teacher assessments and upcoming availability in the target class.

The Pre-School program focuses its attention on the following key developmental areas:

Developmental Domains

Language and Literacy Development

  • This domain centers on the child’s ability to speak, read, and write, involving alphabetic and phonetic learning

Executive Function

  • This domain focuses on the development of skills necessary for learning, such as self-regulation, attention, and persistence

Cognitive Development

  • This domain supports the mental processes needed to think, make sense of the world, and understand knowledge across different subjects, including mathematics, science, and social studies

Physical Development and Wellness

  • This domain includes mastering movement, balance and fine and gross motor skills in addition to learning best practices for health and wellness

Social and Emotional Development

  • This domain addresses the child’s experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others
  • The core features of emotional development include the ability to identify and understand one’s own feelings, to accurately read and comprehend emotional states in others, to manage strong emotions and their expression in a constructive manner, to regulate one’s own behavior, to develop empathy for others, and to establish and maintain relationships.
(National Scientific Council on the Developing Child 2004)

Creative Expression

  • This domain helps your child creatively explore the arts, movement, drama, and music

Self-Help/Adaptive Development

  • This domain concentrates on skills used for daily living, such as dressing, eating, toileting and washing, where children begin to show a little independence and learn how to take care of themselves


  • This domain emphasizes your child’s growing sense of what is right and wrong, but more importantly what is good and bad behavior and therefore know how to make “good” choices
  • In addition to moral judgment, we highlight twenty key values for our students to strive towards